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Marilynn Marchione

Can Ebola survivors’ own blood save the sick?

Test study will see if plasma can help

Bad news for preventing celiac disease

Introducing gluten to babies ineffective, new study says

Ebola: What went wrong?

In containment efforts, plenty of blame to share

Experimental Ebola drug heals monkeys in new study

An experimental Ebola drug healed all 18 monkeys infected with the deadly virus in a study, boosting hopes that the treatment might help fight the outbreak raging through West Africa – once ...

Pass on the salt? Study says you don’t need to

Research method is under fire by scientists

Meat-eaters’ worst nightmare

Lone Star tick spreads across the nation

U.S. Alzheimer’s rate seems to be dropping

The rate of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is falling in the United States and some other rich countries – good news about an epidemic that is still growing simply because more peop...

Doctors turn immune system against cancer

With body pumped full of white blood cells, patients see results

Here’s help for breast cancer patients

Improved survival, lack of infertility are possible benefits

A fountain of youth? For elderly, it’s exercise

Movement combats a litany of age-related ailments

Heart attack or indigestion? This test will tell you

WASHINGTON – A simple test appears very good at ruling out heart attacks in people who go to emergency rooms with chest pain, a big public health issue and a huge worry for patients. ...

For obese diabetics, surgery may be your savior

But keep in mind: Company manufacturing the equipment used had sponsored this study