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Richard Grossman
Position: Staff reporter

Grossman: Losing species to our expanding population

I learned about two sea creatures while vacationing this spring near Puerto Peñasco in Mexico. By coincidence, we were close to the home of these two endangered animals, at the n...

Grossman: Shootings are a terrible way to reduce our population

“… I call on President Trump and the Republican controlled House and Senate and Executive Branch to work together, get some bills passed and stop taking money from the NRA because children a...

Grossman: There are no winners in climate change wager

Back in January 2008, the Herald published a unique challenge: “I offer a public wager of $5,000 that the Earth will be cooler in 10 years.” Roger Cohen, a physicist, proposed this wager. ...

Grossman: Don’t control population this way

There are many ways to decrease human numbers, and most of them should be shunned. Indeed, some of them are quite horrifying. It has been more than 20 years since the Rwandan gen...

Grossman: Reducing the barriers to family planning

There is no good news about male contraceptives yet, but there is much progress in the field of family planning for women. Perhaps the best news is that, globally, more women who...

Grossman: Humans would be wise to heed this warning

In 1992, the Union of Concerned Scientists published the “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity.” Twenty-five years later, Most of the Nobel Prize winners then alive and 1,575 senior scien...

Grossman: Four most effective ways to reduce carbon footprint

Recently, I asked some authorities on climate change: “What is the most effective way of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions?” They gave stock answers about decreasing our consumption. ...

Grossman: Fossil fuel subsidies must go

During a break at a renewable energy meeting sponsored by La Plata Electric Association several years ago, a friend and I discussed the pros and cons of generating power with coal. She said ...

Grossman: Keeping children healthy relies on three things

I am writing this column in northern Ghana, where one in 16 children dies before 5 years of age. Although that number is high when compared to developed countries, there has been amazing pro...

Grossman: Ask one key question

What can health care providers, friends and parents do to help young women focus on their reproductive goals? Ask one key question: “Would you like to become pregnant in the next year?” ...

Grossman: Revisiting the real pioneers in family planning history

Thomas Robert Malthus was the first person to link the increase in human population with growing social problems, correct? And, of course, Margaret Sanger was the first to teach poor women a...

Preserve public lands for the children yet to come

You have fished for the trophy trout in the Rio Grande in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. Or perhaps you’ve hiked Sand Canyon, a bit west of Cortez, and enjoyed the wonderful wal...