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J.M. Hirsch

Aviation just doesn’t fly? Try a layover instead

Can’t get airborne with an aviation cocktail? You need a layover. A friend recently mentioned that his favorite cocktail was the aviation, a sweet-and-sour gin and maraschino cock...

Chocolate and chicken? Yes, with mole sauce!

Don’t be fooled into thinking mole (pronounced mole-EH) is just a Mexican chocolate sauce. To start with, though it is rich and decadent, it is savory, not sweet. In fact, depending on how i...

Little reduction has big impact on this simple holiday cocktail

All the best holiday cocktails start with drinks you make for your 11-year-old, right? Or is that just me? The boy was craving what is known in our house as a “special drink.” Whi...

Heading into 2016, some ingredients to watch for – and taste

Tiny fish, tart plums and coconut syrup. Ready for a taste of 2016? Because we’re all a little tired of hearing about bacon, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower steaks, let’s look fo...

Hanson goes from ‘MMMBop’ to ‘Mmmhops’

NEW YORK – The problem with getting liquored up with the Hanson brothers – yes, the “MMMBop” boys – is that you can’t get that tune out of your head the entire time you’re talking to them. O...

Voracious reading

From clever to quirky, the top food books of 2015

Michelin rates Manresa tops in S.F.

A farm-centric menu with an intense focus on seasonal eating has earned San Francisco’s Manresa restaurant top honors in the 2016 Michelin Guide to the city’s best eateries. Chef ...

Simple Cuban marinade adds big punch to fries

Most of the foods we eat – even among those of us for whom eating is a career – pass our lips and leave not even a fleeting memory. Most foods. But then there are those that linge...

Cookbook is way to women’s hearts

BOSTON – Single and looking? If you’re a guy who’s willing to do some cooking, Avi Shemtov has you covered. Admittedly, Shemtov’s initial attempt to feed dudes on the prowl read a...

Hard can be difficult

Finally, a US-made hard cider that’s actually worth drinking

A bold take on bubbles

Bubbles are the beverage of the moment, particularly bubbles that aren’t Champagne. It’s a trend that has folks clamoring for cava and prosecco, but for some reason nobody it talking about m...

Sunflower seeds make corn chowder rich and creamy

Recently, I’ve been smitten with sunflower seeds. Admittedly, it’s not an ingredient I normally think much of. Sunflower seeds tend to remind me of really bad salad bars from the ...