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Nick Anderson

Tiny schools rank among polling’s biggest names

Elections lift schools’ profiles

At elite schools, history majors don’t have to study America’s past

At elite schools, history majors don’t have to learn about nation’s past

Value of remedial math in college questioned

Colleges routinely force students with weak math skills to take remedial classes before enrolling in one that yields credit, a requirement that poses one of the biggest hurdles for disadvant...

The SAT pushes to reclaim supremacy

Competition with ACT test affects millions

Selective schools collaborate on redesigned college application

More than 80 of the most selective colleges and universities are teaming up to design a new application system that aims to deepen engagement with high school students, especially those from...

Forget those transcripts and SAT scores, this college wants video

College tries to fix ‘broken system’ of admissions

Clearing first hurdle to college while in class

Setting aside time to fill out applications can be crucial

Harvard tops global school rankings

U.S. News rates faculty prestige, productivity

Free online AP courses debut on edX website

Rice University launched a free Advanced Placement biology course Monday on a website overseen by two other elite schools, a potentially significant milestone for a movement that aims to bri...