Shane Benjamin
Position: Herald Staff Writer
Phone Number: (970), 375-4547

Photos: Extraordinary women portraits go up at Durango library

Photo: Slim pickings

Storm good news for snowpack, but several more like it are needed

More than a foot of snow canceled schools, made for treacherous driving conditions

Durango train locomotive hits pickup truck in Animas Valley

Driver of Toyota Tacoma uninjured, cited with traffic violation

Search called off for suspect who fled traffic stop southeast of Durango

‘Code Red’ was issued to residents in Oxford area

First avalanche fatality of season reported this week near Red Mountain Pass

Victim identified as 57-year-old Ridgway man

Photos: ‘Common Threads’ public art project lands at Durango airport

Kidnapping suspect shocked with Taser after car chase through La Plata County

Douglas Palmer accused of domestic violence, felony eluding

Man with knife, machete suspected of menacing city of Durango employee

Park ranger used pepper spray before suspect slashed worker’s truck tire

Colorado leaders react to death of former President Jimmy Carter

Sen. John Hickenlooper said Carter was ‘as good as it gets’

Durango police identify ‘primary suspect’ in bike thefts

Dakota Ross allegedly fled scene before arrest could be made

Photo: Ready to get that Christmas tree out of the house?