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Our View: Positive moments with kids beats politics of childrearing

Just before the school year begins, we notice how our students have changed over the summer. Whether they are 4 inches taller or moodier or chattier or hanging with a new crowd, open to othe...

Our View: COVID-19 response exacting; emergency payments vague

We can’t say enough good things about former San Juan Basin Public Health Executive Director Liane Jollon’s exemplary emergency response to COVID-19. In this new frontier that was the pandem...

Our view: Televise Trump’s trial

“Court is a quiet, somber sanctuary, where rules prevent the disorienting chaos we experience online,” said Steven Brill, founder of Court TV, in a Saturday New York Times essay in support o...

Our View: Free Durango bus rides modest yet revolutionary

As bright red mini-buses pass us by, it’s easy to look beyond a public service we don’t all need. Or didn’t think we need or want, until it was free. We’re talking about Durango’s free city ...

No photovoltaic panels on DFPD roof?

Those are magnificent renderings of the proposed downtown Durango Fire Protection District station. And a solar garden! Swell! Question: Why isn’t the entire roof of that massive structure c...

Our View: Democracy depends on Trump trial

Lester Holt, anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly News, spent some time reflecting on his four-decade career in an interview for Esquire’s summer 2023 edition. On the front lines of eve...

Our View: Make up for Navajo allottees’ lost mineral royalties

U.S. must create green jobs if income eliminated

Our View: Puppy, kitty measure nice but creates business unknowns

What to name municipal legislation proposing a ban on sales of puppies and kittens at retail pet stores? Paw Patrol? No, wait. That’s the name of a little kids’ show where animals look eeril...

Our View: No to industrial rezoning next to Cortez open space

All it takes is one look at Independent Log Co.’s northeast property line where it meets the trailhead for the 72-acre Carpenter Natural Area to understand that the city of Cortez should fla...

Our View: Prioritize Indigenous groups for major lunar standstill

We are among the many disappointed that Chimney Rock National Monument, the Puebloan archaeological site between Bayfield and Pagosa Springs, will close to the public when the major lunar st...

Our View: Worker retention new measure of business success

In 1977, David Allen Coe wrote the song “Take this job and shove it” that soared to No. 1 on the country music chart for artist Johnny Paycheck. Listeners could relate. The 1970s saw rapid i...

Our View: Call for letters to the editor. What’s on your mind?

A favorite task in our Opinion section is to review letters to the editor, with readers sharing what’s on their minds with us and other community members. We revel in the exchange of ideas....
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