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Our View: Worker retention new measure of business success

In 1977, David Allen Coe wrote the song “Take this job and shove it” that soared to No. 1 on the country music chart for artist Johnny Paycheck. Listeners could relate. The 1970s saw rapid i...

Our View: Call for letters to the editor. What’s on your mind?

A favorite task in our Opinion section is to review letters to the editor, with readers sharing what’s on their minds with us and other community members. We revel in the exchange of ideas....

Our View: Burnett fresh, gaining traction in CD3

At the beginning of the arc of momentum for our 2024 3rd Congressional District election, we can say with certainty challenger for the Democratic nomination, veterinarian and business owner ...

Our View: Tough time for trees at schools

9-R cites safety, water concerns over improved canopies

Our View: Fireworks envy

Durango drone show a dud as neighbors equate patriotism with explosives

Our View: Socioeconomically disadvantaged students need break on college admission

Saying goes, talent exists everywhere; opportunity does not

Our View: Literary garden newest Durango place of delight

If your household was one of the lucky ones randomly selected for the city of Durango’s livability survey, you know how thorough it is. Questions about quality of life, infrastructure, parks...

Our View: More arguments coming on free speech, conduct after wedding site decision

Instead of waiting for a real case with real people and actual harm done, the U.S. Supreme Court in a 6 to 3 vote sided with Lorie Smith, a Littleton, Colorado, web designer opposed to same ...

Our View: Yard sign represents very American value

This editorial is about a very American thing – the modest yard sign. The simple act of making or purchasing a sign to share political views or demand some kind of action or display an inspi...

Our View: A councilor is a councilor at any city business meeting

Durango City Council member Olivier Bosmans has argued that he did not violate the city’s code of ethics when he attended a Library Advisory Board meeting to speak as a private resident, not...

Our View: Work of Durango land acknowledgment in sincerity of words

In the comedy series “Reservation Dogs” about four Native American teens growing up on a reservation in eastern Oklahoma, one scene parodies land acknowledgments. A visiting doctoral student...

Our View: The Denver Post right to close comments after trust broken

Section wasn’t productive space for engagement
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