
Region 9 receives National Impact Award for Business Relief Program Coordination

Region 9 Economic Development District was recognized with a 2021 Aliceann Wohlbruck NADO Impact Award.

The award program honors regional organizations for their creative approaches to advancing regional economic development and improved quality of life. Region 9 is one of 70 organizations recognized, and the only one in Colorado.

This award is for the Region 9’s management of COVID-19 business response, putting together grant and loan opportunities. In total, $1.486 million in grants were provided to 234 businesses in 2020 with another $99K provided to 31 businesses in 2021. Thirty-eight disaster loans were provided, totaling $239,250 in 2020.

Many area governments chose to distribute their CARES funding to their businesses in the form of grants and no-interest loans. This resulted in seven other communities providing grant programs as well. Two county-level economic development organizations with small micro-loan programs also participated in several loans and San Juan Development Association approved nine disaster loans in Silverton.

Region 9 also supported an existing Disaster Assistance information repository,, to expand to all five counties. This information is still updated and distributed through businesses and support partners from economic development groups, chambers and organizations.