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Annual doggerel offers up a new leash on life

Mr. and Mrs. Claus, along with many elves, initiate the lighting of Durango’s downtown Christmas tree at Buckley Park in 2010.

‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through our towns / The events of the past year brought smiles and frowns. / So readers, indulge this most heinous of verses, / You cannot be faulted for catcalls and curses.

The newspaper’s filled with some serious stuff. / In contrast, this column is nothing but fluff. / Curmudgeonly greetings – it’s time that we show ‘em / The annual doggerel, the Action Line poem.

The biggest event of Two Thousand Sixteen / Was something the pundits could not have foreseen. / It’s not about Trump or deplorable minions / Or Hillary’s arrogant White House ambitions.

It’s not that McLachlan unseated J. Paul / The year’s biggest story was not that at all. / The talk of the town was a sculpture gone dark / As crews disassemble that much-abused Arc.

The city surrendered, the damage was done. / Capitulate means that the vandals have won. / The artwork inspired engagement and mirth, / So maybe its price tag was not its true worth.

The roads in the county have gone to perdition. / Majority voters made known their position.

“We can’t afford taxes,” they said with malignment, / Yet gladly will pay for their pickup’s alignment.

The county’s reliance on oil and gas, / A bad combination that’s now come to pass. / If you want gov’ment services, here’s what the fact is / We simply must triple our property taxes.

A huge bloc said no to the airport expansion, / An ill-defined plan for an airplane McMansion. / The first phase’s cost would be $85 million, / A sum that’s absurd to your average civilian.

The place where wise people said money should go / To schools a’bleeding by revenue woe. / An ignorant dullard thinks teachers are moochers. / But we know that learning will lead to bright futures!

The times are a changing, but one thing’s for sure / More fundraising “galas” we’ll have to endure. / Let’s hope the nonprofits will stop being rubes. / Enough of the box wine and plates of cheese cubes!

The city’s kerfuffles in matters so urgent, / Distracted by zealots and viewpoints divergent. / The council obsessed with some parks gone organic. / They’re weedy, declining and thus time to panic.

It’s “wellness” and “healing” the pot shops extoll, / The fact of the matter: they’re out of control. / But so are the beggars and coal-rolling teens, / And uppity cyclists and trash-fed ursines.

As anyone sees when they’re real estate browsing: / There is no such thing as affordable housing. / Because in Durango you’re gonna pay double / To live in this charming but vacuous bubble.

There’s round after round of utility hikes. / But, hey, let’s accommodate ‘lectrical bikes! / Why can’t we keep our priorities straight? / A firm answer “no” will mean less on our plate.

Durango’s amusing and pretty darn quirky / So Action Line’s job is to gripe and talk turkey. / But don’t take this poem as pessimist chidings. / Be of good cheer and glad holiday tidings.

May your days be merry and shiny and bright, / The woes you encounter be petty and slight. / To you, we extend the most warmest of wishes, / From yours truly here and from Action Line Mrs.

E-mail questions to or mail them to Action Line, The Durango Herald, 1275 Main Ave., Durango, CO 80301. You can request anonymity if a spoon is the only thing stirring on Christmas Eve.

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