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Bayfield Block Party to feature Alchemy Jack

Bayfield Block Party will feature Alchemy Jack from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, on Mill Street in Bayfield. Bring you lawn chairs and enjoy live music, dancing, food, vendor booths, and more. This is a family friendly event.

Alchemy Jack is a four piece Four Corners band (vocals, guitar, bass, drums) w/ members from Farmington, NM and Bayfield, CO. Alchemy Jack was formed during the summer of 2018 by Jeremiah Scott (guitar), Dugan Frase (drums) and Tiffny Keith (vocals). Their style is a unique blend of their diverse musical backgrounds ranging from rock, blues, soul, and alternative music.

For more information about Alchemy Jack, visit

Beer sales benefit Be Frank Foundation.

For more information or a vendor application, contact Bayfield Town Hall at 884-9544 or