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Dolores opens public dog wash station

Jillian Koerber of Dolores washes her dog Maggie at the new doggie wash station at the Dolores Chamber of Commerce Visitor's Center. (Courtesy photo)
Service benefits dog-loving locals and tourists, chamber of commerce says

Does your dog like to roll in the dirt, run through the mud or chase skunks?

Not to worry. Before you bring it home, clean up your pooch at the new self-serve dog wash station at the Dolores Chamber of Commerce Visitor’s Center, 201 Railroad Ave.

The unit has a convenient tub that can be adjusted for small or large dogs, and is hooked up to a warm-water sprayer.

The chamber provides the shampoo, including the kind to get rid of skunk smell. A rail is provided to hook the dog leash to so Bowzer does not escape.

The cost is $10 per dog, but Montezuma County residents only pay $5.

The unit can handle a dog up to 220 pounds, and has a ramp and access door for larger dogs to enter.

“It’s a community service for locals and is also gives tourists traveling through, camping or staying in a hotel a good place to clean their dogs,” said Susan Lisak, Dolores Chamber director.

The chamber board came up with the idea last year, and after some research decided it was an affordable project.

The project cost $3,000, including $1,500 for the unit and $1,500 for the installation, plumbing and hot water heater.

The plan is to have it pay for itself, Lisak said. The chamber will maintain the station.

To conserve water, the runoff from the unit is directed to the visitor center landscaping. The soap provided is environmentally safe.

The dog wash station is only open during visitor center hours. The hours are Mon-Fri 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. to noon.

For more information on Dolores events, check out the chamber Facebook page.