Here are a few fun facts from the third day of Snowdown 2018: “A Black Tie Affair.”
Durango held a ritzy party downtown on Friday night for the Snowdown Light Parade. Thousands of people crowded the barriers along Main Avenue to watch the floats, invigorated by the warm, dry weather. The parade featured 60 ornate illuminated floats – the maximum number allowed by the city – competing for trophies in 10 different divisions, including “Best Lights,” “Mayor’s Favorite” and “WTF Award.”
Coed teams of servers from Durango’s favorite local restaurants competed in an obstacle course combining balance, speed and style outside Steamworks Brewing Co. to determine the town’s most efficient wait staff. Cue “Eye of the Tiger” and other dramatic, mood-setting music.
Ken & Sue’s Restaurant dominated the competition, completing the course in 00:01:45 with no penalties. Hoody’s came in second, followed closely by Purgy’s in third.
We all know the saying, “It’s five o’clock somewhere,” often used to justify day drinking. Snowdown is as good an excuse as any to throw out your morals and indulge in libations, as those who participated in champagne pong at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 403 know all too well. Like beer pong but classier, the game attracted 70 people who took turns tossing table tennis balls into tiny glasses of champagne. The Wine Shop provided 80 bottles of champagne for the raucous fun.
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