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Juvenile identified in connection with school threat in Farmington

Two school threats prompt increased police presence at graduations this week
Farmington High School graduation, scheduled for May 16, will have an increased law enforcement presence in response to recent threats. Other graduations planned for this week will also have an increased police presence. File photo

The Farmington Police Department and administrators from Farmington High School were made aware of two school threats circulating on social media within the past 24 hours, according to a recent Facebook post.

Officers from the Farmington Police Department are investigating the threats. The initial threat reported was made May 15, with threats directed at a local elementary school. A juvenile suspect was identified in the case, and FPS stated the department is working closely with the Juvenile Probation Office to prosecute that individual.

FPD spokesperson Shanice Gonzales said the threat against the elementary school originated from a picture posted on social media that warned students not to show up to school Tuesday. Gonzales confirmed that the suspect was identified, but she could not confirm, as of 11 a.m. Tuesday, whether the suspect had been arrested.

A second school threat was reported early Tuesday morning. The threat did not target a specific school, but did refer to a specific doctor.

According to the statement, the department’s investigation determined that the doctor referenced was not located in the Farmington area and FPD does not believe the threat targets the Farmington community.

The statement said:

“Due to the all the events recently, we are taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of our community. There will be an increased law enforcement presence at both the Farmington High School graduation this evening, the Rocinante High School graduation tomorrow, and the Piedra Vista High School graduation on Thursday.”

Gonzales confirmed that there will be an increased police presence at graduations, but said the ceremonies should continue as planned as far as she was aware.

Calls to Farmington Municipal Schools for information on the threats were not immediately returned.

Farmington Police Department thanked the public for its ongoing vigilance and for reporting suspicious activity and said it will continue to work with the school district and parents to ensure the safety of students.

Anyone with information regarding either threat is asked to call non-emergency dispatch at (505) 334-6622.