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La Plata County Humane Society hosts annual adopt-a-thon Friday and Saturday

Staff hope to free up shelter space for new animals
La Plata County Humane Society staff and community members with dogs at the 2022 adopt-a-thon. (Courtesy of La Plata County Humane Society)

The La Plata County Humane Society is hosting its annual adopt-a-thon from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

The event will feature reduced adoption fees, discounted thrift sore prices, family games, a trainer information booth, local vendors, live music and food trucks.

“We’re hoping to adopt out 50 animals, with the goal of creating more space in our shelter ... and finding the animals amazing new homes,” said Colleen Dunning, LPCHS development manager.

The internet has created numerous opportunities for people to shop for pets remotely, but Dunning stresses the importance of adopting from local shelters to help them care for as many animals as possible.

Last week, LPCHS issued a public announcement that owner surrender services would be suspended until after the adopt-a-thon.

Accompanying the announcement was a statement saying the shelter is “beyond full in regards to capacity.”

As of Wednesday, the Humane Society had 78 dogs and 193 cats in its care. Some of those animals were in foster care.

It is not unusual for the Humane Society to see a larger intake of animals during the winter, and the adopt-a-thon is strategically planned to coincide with the transition to spring.

“We tend to get a little backed up in those later winter months,” Dunning said. “The event encourages people to adopt locally and get a new friend for their summer adventures.”

While the influx of animals was anticipated, an extended average length of stay was not.

In years past, the average length of stay was 14 days. Now it is 27, significantly hindering the shelter’s ability to take in new animals.

The extended stays also puts a financial burden on the shelter. The Humane Society Instagram page says the average cost of care per pet is $25 per day. With the extended average length of stay, the average cost of caring for an animal is $675.

To offset this, LPCHS is asking for community donations as well as selling various goods at the adopt-a-thon, including paintings created by the animals.

Pink and yellow acrylic on canvas by Bell the dog titled “Sailing at Sunrise.” (Courtesy of La Plata County Humane Society)
Blue acrylic on canvas by Charlie the dog titled “Litter-Ally.” (Courtesy of La Plata County Humane Society)

Perhaps the most effective way to reduce the number of animals that end up in shelters, Dunning said, is by spaying and neutering pets.

“One unfixed cat can lead to four or five kittens,” she said. “Before you know it you have a huge problem.”

The Humane Society offers weekly low-cost spay and neuter services with prices ranging from $35 to $150 depending on species and gender.

  • Neutering a cat: $35
  • Spaying a cat: $75
  • Neutering a dog: $100
  • Spaying a dog: $150

Additionally, the Humane Society offers a charge-free trap, neuter and release service.

“We have staff dedicated to trap, neuter, release,” Dunning said. “For residents who have maybe a feral cat colony, we have staff who will go out, bring them in and fix them and then bring them back and release them.”

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