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Local Briefs

Plan your parking, driving this week

The city of Durango will work with Pavement Restoration Inc. to perform street surface treatments from Tuesday to June 7.

Street parking during the project will be restricted for 48 hours from the start date. Residents and visitors to these neighborhoods should expect parking restrictions and some traffic delays during the day. All parking restrictions will be posted a minimum of 24 hours in advance.

These streets will be under parking restrictions and subject to tow from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.:

The 300 to 800 blocks of Ninth, 10th and 11th streets Tuesday.

The 800 to 900 blocks of Fourth and Fifth streets and Ninth Avenue on Tuesday.

Eighth Avenue from College Drive to Jackson Place on Tuesday.

Riverview Drive, Animas Place and La Plata Place on Wednesday.

Rio Vista Circle, Ford Drive, Plymouth Drive, New Mexico Avenue, 29th Street and Aspen Drive on Thursday.

Bennet Street, Fiesta Circle, Halto Via Circle, east 33rd Street, and East Second Avenue on Friday.

East Eighth Avenue and east College Drive on June 7.

For more information, call Mike Somsen at 375-4839.

A report from the Middle East

Katherine Burgess, independent travel agent with CTC Voyages, will talk about her a recent Middle East cruise to the Rotary Club of Durango at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Strater Hotel, 699 Main Ave.

Burgess will report from the “fault lines” that divide the region after a cruise that took her from the United Arab Emirates to Oman, Haifa, Jerusalem and Istanbul, former capital of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires. Her talk will include some history of the area and current conditions. A former instructor at Pueblo Community College, she was recently appointed to the city of Durango Board of Ethics.

Visitors are welcome. For more information, call Dwight Burgess at 385-4223.

Learn about prostate health treatments

The Man to Man Prostate Cancer support group will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Durango Public Library, 1900 East Third Ave.

The guest speaker will be Stacy Mulkey, ND. Mulkey has worked for many years in the medical field and has a degree in biology and health-care management from Southern Illinois University, in addition to her degree from Southwest College of naturopathic medicine in Tempe, Arizona. Mulkey practices at Namaste Health Center and will talk about alternative treatments for prostate health.

Want to know ‘Who pooped in the river?’

The Animas Watershed Partnership Spring Forum will take place from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the Durango Public Library, 1900 East Third Ave.

Melissa May of the San Juan Soil and Water Conservation District and San Juan Watershed Group will present “Who Pooped in the River? Microbial Source Tracking results for the Animas River in Colorado and New Mexico.” Participants will learn the results of this two-year water quality study measuring E.coli, nutrients, and sources of bacteria in the river. Light refreshments will be served.

Tension, trauma release class offered

Rick Stockwell, PT, will teach a free Introductory Tension and Trauma Release Exercises class from 6 to 7:30 p.m. June 9 at Inhabit, 1970 East Third Ave., Suite 110.

These exercises evoke a self-induced therapeutic tremor in the body that discharges stress or tension accumulated from difficult situations, immediate or prolonged stressful situations, and/or traumatic life experiences or everyday circumstances.

Pre-registration is required. For information and to register, visit or call 749-5308.

Herald Staff

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