Mancos trustees are commissioning a study of housing needs in the Mancos Valley.
Prior and Associates of Denver will conduct the study at a price not to exceed $10,000. The firm will look at the availability of market rate and affordable housing, as well as the demand for housing in the area.
The results of the study will show the area’s existing and planned housing units and will recommend what types of housing and rent prices are best suited for the area.
Trustees voted on Wednesday to commission the study with most of the work done in 2016, so that it is not included in the town’s 2017 budget. The town may also pursue a reimbursement for the study from the state Department of Local Affairs.
Also Wednesday, the board discussed plans for town holiday events. In the past, the town has sponsored a free community dinner in December, as well as a tree lighting ceremony and fun run.
Trustees discussed combining the two events instead of sponsoring a full holiday meal. Former parks manager Leslie Hopkins had been in charge of the events, but she left the position earlier this year. Board members decided asking the staff to plan for an entire meal on top of their existing workload was not feasible.
“It’s a wonderful thing, but it’s a big burden on staff,” Trustee Ed Hallam said.
The town will sponsor a tree lighting ceremony, with a Rudolph fun run and visit from Santa, on Dec. 2.
Trustees also approved a retail marijuana license renewal for Green Kiwi, doing business as The Beacon, located at 449 Railroad Ave. in Mancos. There have been no violations over the past year from The Beacon and the Mancos Marshal’s office had no objections to the license renewal, according to Town Administrator Andrea Phillips.
Phillips reported on town finances and activities in the third quarter of 2016. The town is on track to end 2016 under budget because staff did not have time to get to several projects that were budgeted for the year, Phillips said. The town had budgeted to hire a third deputy in the marshal’s office, but was not able to hire one until later in the year, she said.
In the administrative department, major ongoing and completed 2016 projects include holding a successful municipal election in April, completing the 2017 budgeting process, completing a town asset inventory and working with the Department of Transportation to complete a study of the U.S. 160 corridor.