
Photos: Friday at the La Plata County Fair

Eleanor Strietze, 18 months, pets one of Zantha Kugles chickens as she is held by mom Amber Strietze on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Judge Roy Flora oversees senior beef showmanship on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Judge Roy Flora talks with contestant Zane Pontine, 16, while competing in senior beef showmanship on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Ribbons hang outside of a pen on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Zantha Kugle, 10, center, and friends Analuna Smith, 11, left, and Zoe Wood, 10, hold Zantha’s chickens on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Aspen Smith, 14, competes in intermediate beef showmanship on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Some of the fiber arts entries on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Calvin Kirkpatrick, 11, receives his best of breed award for one of his rabbits from Sandy Wade, assistant to judge Jim Conyers, on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Judge Roy Flora oversees senior beef showmanship on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Two goats go for a sack of hay in their pen on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Some of the fiber arts entries on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Zantha Kugles holds one of her chickens on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Some of the fiber arts entries on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Jim Conyers judges rabbits as Sandy Wade assists on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Brothers Van Duran, 6, left, and Norman Duran, 5, pet a goat on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Some of the fiber arts entries on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
A chicken is fascinated with a zip tie on its cage on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/ Durango Herald)
Judge Roy Flora oversees senior beef showmanship on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Zantha Kugle, 10, center and her friends Analuna Smith, 11, left, and Zoe Wood, 10, hold Zantha’s chickens on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Judge Roy Flora talks with contestant Zane Pontine, 16, while competing in senior beef showmanship on Friday at the La Plata County Fair at the fairgrounds. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)

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