Jack Llewellyn
Position: Staff reporter

Time for change

This is one of the most emotional and difficult articles that I have written as I step down as the Durango Chamber of Commerce CEO. After a little over 17 incredible years of service, this d...

Engaging our students to fill workforce pipeline

With spring break behind us, I am reminded that summertime is when school is out, and high school and college students are looking to gain experience. Coincidently, when I ask local business...

Durango, you truly rock!

Behind every thriving community is a camaraderie of businesses, nonprofits and individuals who are dedicated to making a difference and paying it forward. And Durango is fortunate to have so...

Time to reflect and a time to plan

As we begin a new year, it is a good time to not only reflect on successes of 2023 but set strategic goals, dust off business plans and update as needed. As small-business owners, we are pre...

Spread the holiday cheer right here

With the recent snowfall, winter has officially arrived here in Southwest Colorado; and like so many of us, the Durango Chamber is excited to receive the much-needed moisture as we head into...

Access, advocacy, and a voice at the table – why being a Chamber member is beneficial

In October, I attended the Association of Colorado Chambers of Commerce annual conference in Glenwood. Coming away from this experience made me reflect on what the Durango Chamber of Commerc...

Mindfulness, leadership and community excellence

In September, we hosted a Coffee and Connections event with Fort Lewis College professor Amoneeta Beckstein. The presentation and discussion focused on maximizing leadership potential throug...

Supporting Durango businesses with unique offerings

There is a lot more to the Durango Chamber of Commerce than meets the eye. While networking events and other educational programs are integral to what we offer the community, we also work be...

Advocacy group looks out for local businesses

Summer is in full swing here in Durango. And after the winter we just had, it’s safe to say we are all ready for warmer days. Here at the Chamber, we are excited about all the opportunities ...

Cultivating Leaders in La Plata County

While the New Oxford Dictionary of English defines leadership as the “action of leading a group of people or an organization,” it is so much more, and I think anyone can be a leader in any s...

Chamber sees busy first quarter

Seeing more snow on the ground, it’s hard to believe it’s already April. All of us at the Chamber have had a very busy start to 2023, and now that we are into the second quarter, I wanted to...

Celebrating Durango during this Year’s Durango Rocks Awards Event Mar. 9th!

All of us at the Chamber are honored to host one night every year, bringing together the community to applaud the achievements of businesses, nonprofit organizations and leaders. It’s an eve...