Nicole Clark
Position: Staff reporter

What the future holds may improve your mental well-being

Choosing the topic of pumpkins or Halloween for this month’s “From The Extension Office” seems too predictable. It may be relevant, but predictable nonetheless. Now, where’s the excitement i...

Despite shorter days, colder weather, we can still be active

You know fall and winter are approaching when ... golden leaves emerge, you leave 10 minutes early to get ahead of the school bus, shadows lengthen, you’re shopping for firewood, it’s pumpki...

Throw in late summer mushrooms for a healthful meal

Mother Nature, if you’re listening, this article is a friendly reminder that our summer monsoons could use a little boost. August is a wonderful time of year to find mushrooms in nature, but...

Cooking for one: Simplify and satisfy

Where does inspiration come from? It’s a question I ponder every month in preparation for this column. When two different people presented the same idea, I couldn’t help but hear the calling...

Why you should embrace discomfort

Raise your hand if you find pleasure in discomfort. In bewilderment, you ask, what kind of ridiculous question is that? If people liked discomfort, there would be no such thing as slippers, ...

Weight management is a ‘we’ issue, and it’s complex

You may be familiar or experienced with the “freshman 15.” It’s the belief that during our first year away from home, we gain 15 pounds. Research suggests most people don’t gain 15, but clos...

A superfood for any budget

What luck that you stumbled across this column. Otherwise, the fact that it’s National Nutrition Month may have slipped past your radar. Seems only fair we dedicate this month’s column to f...

Break-the-fast: Benefits of your morning meal

By 5:00 am there’s a hot cup of coffee in hand, a space heater on high, and a stare-off between myself and a blank Word document. In search of a topic, my eyes scan the environment. I brief...

Live better with life-long learning; La Plata County Extension can help you

After (almost) four years of writing a monthly column for The Durango Herald, I’ve realized how the topics tend to surface as a reflection of adult experience. This month is no exception. At...

Take home baking to the next level, be a Cottage Foods producer

Some people just have a penchant and talent for baking. Their skillful blending of art and food chemistry results in a delightful display of edible creativity. What a unique gift for the luc...

Knowledge is power in self-managed health care

It’s National Diabetes Month, and it’s worth mentioning for two reasons. One, because 37.7 million Americans are living with diabetes. However, 20% of them don’t know it yet. Second, 32 mill...

Calabacitas: Fall vegetables make a favorite family meal

Even if you don’t love cooking, I bet you have at least one family recipe you make periodically. You make it because it’s delicious, or because it reminds you of something or someone special...