Position: Staff reporter

We are one nation under what?

By Carole McWilliams "A house divided against itself cannot stand." - Abraham Lincoln I've anguished over that for a long time, given the toxic divisions in our politic...

Ideal conditions make for spectacular fall foliage

If you can figure out how to maneuver through the national political scene that has infected my Facebook page, you can see that almost every one of my local “friends” has taken a photo of th...

Starting early can help you get your picky eater to eat healthy

Picky eating can be a major obstacle for a parent, especially when it comes to getting your child to eat healthy. However, childhood is when lifelong patterns are formed, so it i...

Science supports it: attitude is everything!

By Jacqueline Juliana Above the copy machine in the work room at Bayfield Primary School, there are several inspirational signs posted. One of these signs assigns a n...

Political correctness changes over time

By Carole McWilliams Times columnist The Sand Creek Massacre of a peaceful Indian village, mainly women, children and old people, is now considered one of the darkest d...

It's election time, so keep those letters coming

Finally. After what seems like the longest presidential election ever, local and national elections are now less than two months away. Most letters in the Times will pe...

La Plata County 4-H members succeed at Colorado State Fair

Local 4-H members did a fantastic job representing La Plata County at the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo. This event is such a great learning experience. We had members entered i...

Airport juggernaut promotes rampant development, will harm our ailing planet

By Tom Givón Last month our county commissioners, in a split 2-1 vote, succumbed to relentless lobbying pressure and agreed to put the question of a new airport, financed by...

From the Extension Office A few basics can help you get the most from your food preservation

Cool weather seems to have slowed produce production a bit for some of us. With the rains though, there seem to be bumper crops in gardens, farmers markets and grocery stores that encourage ...

Airport expansion is investment in local economy

By Roger Zalneraitis and Emily Meisner La Plata Economic Development Alliance The Alliance's vision is for La Plata County to be the premier Rocky Mountain community f...

In apple overload? Programs help you share the bounty

Apples. This year, we are expecting a lot of them. Apple pie, apple crisp and apple cobbler. Sauce, butter and cider, all made with apples. Caramel apples, dried apple rings and ...

Our bodies need sleep to learn, work, maintain health

By Jacqueline Juliana Bayfield Primary School Sleep...We've all heard the saying, "You snooze, you lose!" This upsets me. I love to sleep and can't seem to ...