Jerry McBride
Position: Herald Photo Editor
Phone Number: (970), 375-4555

Photo: Staying between the lines

Photos: Durango High School girls swimming

DHS girls swimming hosts swim meet

Photos: Building skills

Students from Durango, Bayfield and Ignacio High schools compete in SkillsUSA

Photos: Achieving excellence

Durango High School Student Council makes presentation for the National Council of Excellence Award

Photos: That's ice baby

Cold temperatures freeze over Animas River

Photos: People’s March

About 300 people take to the street on Saturday in Durango

Photos: Fort Lewis College basketball

Women’s and men’s basketball teams take on South Dakota Mines

Photo: Snowdown’s official beer

This is the 30th anniversary of Ska Brewing making a beer for winter event

Photos: Wrestling at Durango High School

Durango High School boys wrestling beat Bayfield High School Tuesday night

Photos: Where there's smoke there's firefighters

Durango firefighters take advantage of the old River City Hall building for training

Photos: New snowcat arrives at Chapman Hill

Photos: Durango plays Montezuma-Cortez in boys, girls high school basketball

Durango girls and boys basketball teams defeat Montezuma-Cortez at DHS