Nicola Dehlinger
Position: Staff reporter

Food as love

Lately, it seems that a lot of people have been talking about finding the perfect diet for themselves. There are thousands of podcasts, websites and articles touting miracle cures and life t...

The Spectrum of Sweetness

We find ourselves past the resolutions of the New Year and at chocolate-laden Valentine’s Day. For some, navigating the dance of eating sugar can feel challenging and confounding. For othe...

Go for the gold

The weather is turning, inviting us to slow down a bit more and savor the moment – the way the light hits the trees, the hint of autumn on the breeze, the days that are officially shorter th...

Taming the effects of autoimmunity

Autoimmune diseases are evermore on the rise in our modern era. Conventional medicine rarely offers any solutions for autoimmunity beyond steroids to suppress the immune system. Many people ...

Food as an offering of love

In the harried pace of a typical day, food often is reduced to only being a means to an end. It is often something we don’t consider much – just a way to refuel the tank and keep going. I wa...

Play with your food!

Most of us grew up being told not to play with our food – that the meal was there to build strong bones or have us grow tall – no laughing matter. But did that take some of the joy out of th...

Spring into yum with fruit, vegetables

It’s finally happening! After a long, cold, snowy winter, signs of spring are beginning to show themselves – from the bulbs poking their first fingers through the soil or the buds that are j...

Receiving the full experience

When was the last time you tasted your food? Like, really tasted it? Oftentimes we move through our days not fully engaged in what we’re actually doing. We’re thinking about something else o...

Soups and stews for the soul

We are in the depths of winter – gray skies, colder temperatures, shorter days and snow upon snow! This is the season of slowing down, staying home and reflecting inward. Many of us do not ...

Honoring the shift in the season

Right now, we are experiencing the shortest days of the year. This is typically accompanied by darkness, cold and even heaviness. We, as animals, are affected by these energies whether we co...

Slow down to receive more

One of the things I love the most about this time of year is the magical way time seems to slow down. Everything seems to be taking its own sweet time – the changing of the leaves, the first...

Taking right and wrong off the table

In the bakery department of a grocery store last week, a woman walked up to select a freshly baked cookie from the mouth-watering selection of items. She whispered to me conspiratorially, “I...