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Our View: Confusion about Bayfield schools health, sex ed

Black horizontal lines strike through the word “comprehensive” in every reference in Bayfield School District’s new Health and Family Life/Sex Eduction or IHAM policy for seventh grade, appr...

Our View: RV park not popular but a contender

Readers have shared their opinions about the proposed 306-stall luxury RV park in the Animas Valley, particularly after the La Plata County Planning Commission voted 3 to 2 to approve the pr...

Our View: Editor’s note

Dear readers, We asked Durango City Council candidates to write directly to readers, saying what they would bring to the two open seats if elected on Tuesday, April 4. We followed the city’s...

Our View: Ditching Dilbert a no-brainer

The decision to can the Dilbert comic strip after cartoonist Scott Adams’ racist rant on YouTube was an easy one. We joined hundreds of other newspapers, a testament to Adams’ extraordinary ...

Our View: Durango Film grows, evolves, reaches

Festival selections from faraway and nearby move, challenge, inspire

Our View: State GOP must determine, deliver unified message

Colorado Republicans have talked about rebuilding the party after the 2022 election beating. We imagined the GOP returning to its core ideology, determining what it wants to be now, making m...

Our View: Students carrying Narcan makes sense

We hope school districts can find legal solutions

Our View: Examine process, rules before dissolving city boards

Durango City Council gave city staff members the green light to move forward with a reorganization plan that whittles 23 boards and commissions to 15. Working from Council’s directive in 201...

Our View: First-responders of compassion, support

Victim Resource Team brings elevated level of care to those who lost loved ones

Our View: Let Indigenous people decide Far View Center’s use

Last week, the Far View Center in Mesa Verde National Park landed on Colorado Preservation Inc.’s most endangered places list and we’re delighted. This designation elevates awareness to the ...

Our View: Canceled Taste of Durango sign of times

Nothing like a festival in May to kick off summer. Crowds strolling Main Avenue, rather than winter’s hurry-up-and-get-there dashing through town. Freed from hibernation, we’re wearing our s...

Our View: Hermosa to Durango Bike Trail way to go

We’re a multimodal trail-loving bunch in the Southwest. It’s in our collective DNA. On Thursday, Durango resident Bob Wolff made a great gain toward a Hermosa to Durango Bike Trail becoming ...
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