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Wolverine reintroduction legislation is ‘completely opposite’ wolf plan

‘They do not eat cattle. They do not eat sheep. They do not eat people,’ state Rep. Barbara McLachlan says

Durango rocketry team learns from last year’s mistakes ahead of this weekend’s competition

Students will use various nose cone sizes to adapt for low-altitude conditions

Durango considers higher fees for developers who opt out of affordable housing requirement

Changes to Fair Share program aim to increase supply

Photos: Auroras as seen from Durango and Vallecito Reservoir

Mountain Capital Partners adds another Chile ski resort to portfolio

Durango-based company looks to combine new ski area with resort purchased in 2023

Dapper Dog’s longtime groomer now overseeing business

Echo Arthur has been with La Plata County mobile dog grooming business since 2019

Colorado lawmakers pass bill criminalizing cellphone use while driving

Drivers will be able to legally make calls only if they use a hands-free accessory

Durango student’s bipartisan effort to address climate change helps pass state education bill

Good Trouble, a network of high school sustainability clubs, testifies before Colorado lawmakers

The Blotter, May 10-12

Durango Police Department Sunday 9:13 a.m. Four trucks were parked in fire lanes at the La Plata County Fairgounds. Police issued citations. 5:19 p.m. A man was carrying a butcher kn...

Man pleads guilty to fatally stabbing Bayfield Speedway clerk

Damitre Burch faces 35 years in prison for killing Jadah Willmett, 21

Durango’s motel-to-apartments housing project should be ready for tenants by end of year

Development targets wage earners making 30% to 60% of area median income

Southern Ute flag raised for first time at Ignacio High School

Native American Youth Organization eyes consistency under leadership of Kristean Velasquez
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