100 years ago: “Maurice Levey severed his connection with I. Kruschke after about 7 years of service and departs for Tiffany where he will take charge of the Tiffany Mercantile Company as manager and part owner with his brother, I.E. Levey, who is representing Ridenour & Baker of Pueblo, wholesale grocers in this territory.”
75 years ago: “All the preparations have been completed and everything is in readiness for Durango’s big Christmas lighting premiere on the main stem. Lighting decorations have been strung up and down Durango’s business streets, and Christmas trees at regular intervals have been installed along the sidewalks to give an added Christmas-like touch.”
50 years ago: “‘Packages are rolling in,’ was the way Acting Postmaster Emil G. Johnson described post office operations. Five trucks were out delivering parcels in town, compared to the usual two.”
Most items in this column are taken from Herald archives, Center of Southwest Studies and Animas Museum. Their accuracy may not be verified.