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Vote ‘yes’ on Amendment K

Amendment K to the Constitution would give election officials an additional week to process issue signature petitions and require publicizing ballot measures 30 days before the election rather than the current 15 days.

Judges, retained by voters after their initial term, would also have one week added to the three months before the election to say whether they desired another term.

The Herald’s editorial board favors Amendment K.

The additional week does reduce the time that signatures can be gathered for initiatives, but not significantly. What is more important is publicizing election issues 30 days before the election, giving additional time for research and discussion. With Colorado’s popular mail-in voting, ballots are currently being received by voters a little more than 15 days before Election Day. Those who vote quickly aren’t benefiting from the publication of the ballot issues. Doubling that to 30 days will be helpful.

“Yes” on Amendment K.