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Have you been keeping up with local headlines? Test your knowledge in Quiz No. 9

About 140 people participated in last week’s quiz.

Participants scored highest on a question about what technology the Durango Police Department recently invested in, with 96 percent of respondents correctly answering “body cameras.”

Participants scored lowest on a question about who said the quote: “We all have biases and it’s a part of being human, but becoming aware of our biases and how they impact our lives and the lives of people around us, that’s what’s important to do,” with only 32 percent of respondents correctly answering “Nancy Stoffer.” (Most respondents thought it was Gov. Jared Polis.)

This week’s quiz features questions about a new restaurant, a 4.6-magnitude earthquake, a vacationing bald eagle, and more!

To take previous news quizzes, click here.