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Why IPW is a big deal for Colorado tourism

International Pow Wow is the U.S. travel industry’s most prestigious international marketplace event and will be held in Denver on May 19-23, 2018. This long-established event is the largest...

Plan Now for Visiting Friends and Relatives

An interesting thing happens every Spring in the downtown Welcome Center. Local residents stressed out by nervous anticipation of relatives are looking for information on what to do with fam...

Local museums thrive on tourism

Communities love their museums; they just don’t love them enough to keep them in business. Just like local retailers and restaurants, museums depend on tourists for attendance and revenue. S...

The 5 “W’s” of the Durango Welcome Center

Who: The Durango Welcome Center is home to the Visitor Information Desk, the Durango Area Tourism Office, the Community Concert Hall ticket operation and the Fort Lewis College student recru...

A Take on Tourism ‘Staycation’: What’s old is what’s new again

“Staycationing” is choosing to vacation close to home to explore and enjoy the attractions and activities in your own area ... you know, all that stuff that you moved here to do but haven’t ...

What’s up in the downhill ski business?

Colorado is synonymous with skiing. Our state leads the world in resort development, snow conditions, technology and ambiance. We are the champions. So do you know your ski indust...

Durango’s tourism market is evolving

Over the past 20 years, awareness of Durango and the Four Corners area has grown exponentially. While first the railroad and then the ski resort were the predominant seasonal attr...

Colorado tourism advertising is a boon for Durango

It’s time for us to give a big shout-out to our tourism colleagues at the state level. Durango and other Colorado destinations rely on, and greatly benefit from, the state’s $19....

In uncertain times, just go with what you know

I‘ll have to apologize. It may be that time of the year for articles, columns and TV programs that recap the past year or more boldly cast predictions on what the new year might bring, but I...

It’s better for business to be nice than naughty

It is the season for tales of Christmastime, so here is mine. Remember the Disney character old Scrooge McDuck, the penny-pinching, most rotten, rich man in town? Well, he was as ...

Durango has that special ‘snuggle factor’

It happened again this week. Durango received yet another accolade to add to its ever-expanding list of awards, recognitions and rankings. Sure, we understand being called out as...

Elections may – or may not – affect tourism

Do national elections affect tourism? As we enter the final days of a very bizarre election year, we were wondering about the before-and-after effects of national elections on tou...