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9Health Fair tomorrow at BES

The Bayfield 9Health Fair is from 7 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, May 2 at Bayfield Elementary School.

If you would like to register online, go to, select a location (Bayfield), and then look for the Online Registration link. This allows you the convenience of paying by credit card and avoids having to stand in line at the cashier's table. There will be one cashier dedicated to participants that register online. (Note that if you register the day of the fair, only cash or check is accepted for payment). A basic blood screening is $35 - a bargain! Other screenings available: blood count $20, PSA (for men) $30, hemoglobin A1C $30, vitamin D $45, and a colon cancer screening Kit $25.

There will be additional screenings at no charge and plenty of Interactive Educational Centers (IECs) available at the fair. Please come and spend the morning investing in your health. If you don't need a blood screening, you are still welcome to come and take advantage of the other screenings and IECs that will be available.

The Upper Pine River Fire Auxiliary will also be selling breakfast burritos again this year as a fundraiser for their scholarship fund. Burritos are $5, available in bacon or sausage, and delicious! As always, complimentary cookies and juice will be available.

Need more information? Call me at 759-3711. We hope to see you there. Your health is everything!

Terry Beebe

Site leader