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Adjustments needed at CR 225A/160

While I’m sure the new County Road 225A/Highway 160 intersection is safer than the old, I believe there are some design flaws in it.

One is the rise to the east that should have been leveled. But the most dangerous problem is the exit lane for Highway 160 eastbound onto CR 225A. When you are turning left from 225A onto 160 west and are stopped at the stop sign, a larger vehicle such as a pickup with a cap in the exit lane can block the view of vehicles in the 160 east through lane. I know because it happened to me. If the exit lane was moved farther from the through lane by 20 feet, this problem could be eliminated. The alternative is a traffic light. It’s sad that it takes a bad accident to get action, as there have been quite a few accidents at this intersection. We didn’t get a light at Highway 172 and 160 until a major accident with fatalities. Hopefully now something will be done.

Eric Sibelius


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