100 years ago: A vein was struck at the Sueno de Oro mine north of Durango, which attracted men from the area who were “engaged in drifting on it.”
75 years ago: The Colorado Game and Fish Department’s predatory bird trapper made a visit to Durango to build traps in areas where the birds were “too plentiful.”
50 years ago: The Basin Livestock Commission, known as “the Sale Barn,” was “relieved of two saddles and several sets of spurs” by “a thief who crawled under a door.”
25 years ago: According to La Plata County Sheriff’s Office, Larry Sharp, a 40-year-old bowhunter from Texas, was reported lost north of Lemon Reservoir dam near Stump Lake. Members of La Plata County Search and Rescue, the Sheriff’s Office and the Colorado Mounted Rangers combed the area, shouting his name, for five hours until they found him and treated him for extreme exhaustion and dehydration.
Items in this column were selected from The Durango Herald archives. Accuracy of content may not be verified.