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‘Civil war not passing smell test’

OK. I get it, conservatives.

As a child growing up, I use to pretend I was fighting off the FBI with my friends in the woods. Thinking President Bill Clinton would take my guns in the 1990s. We dug foxholes, made booby traps. More than once the words, “You ain't taking my guns!” came out of my mouth.

I was ready. I grew up wanting a civil war. But this? A civil war based on inconsequential BS? A civil war around Bud Light? Books? Why? If I have noticed the rise of paramilitary groups since Waco and Ruby Ridge, I am guessing our government has too.

When Donald Trump loses this election, we all can guess what will happen next. Right now, it’s about the border, sure. But the goal post keeps getting moved.

My independent and conservative friends, don’t you see what this actually will turn into? It will be a purge. You will be annihilated. That is the point of all this, if you ask me.

You think a crazy lib like me will dare worry about health care, or free college after the first shots are fired? Or for years after our military wins?

Who will have affordable housing at the top of their wish list after a civil war? I know it’s a conspiracy theory. But this civil war Republicans are pushing is not passing the smell test for me.

Let me know when we are fighting to keep lobbyists from bribing our officials! Then maybe.

Colin Kinkade
