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Freedom of religion or a flag too far?

Recent letters by John Gallup (Herald, Jan. 17) and Ian Root (Herald, Jan. 17), got me to thinking, and wondering why the American flag is so prominently displayed in so many U.S. churches.

While Catholic and Christian Science and Presbyterian religions are dissimilar, they all often have Old Glory in full view in their houses of worship, usually inside the front of their buildings and even near their podiums.

My problem with having our flag so displayed is that it is out of place in these churches, and indeed in all churches, especially those considering themselves international.

And rightfully so, as they have considerable congregations around the globe. There clearly are appropriate venues where the Stars and Stripes are appropriate – in public schools, in state houses, in all federal buildings and in and outside people’s homes. But in houses of God?

The American flag had a prominent place on the front steps of my boyhood home, in honor of my family members who had served in World War II. And as a result I revere this national symbol.

But that’s not saying this state symbol has a place in our churches, especially those with a truly international presence.

William A. Babcock
