Southwest Life Health And the West is History Community Travel

Health Briefs

Class will teach tools for positive parenting

A free “Coaching the Coach” parenting class will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Aug. 9 and 16 at the Durango Mason Center, 301 E. 12th Street.

The course will focus on positive parenting tools and include a presentation, workshop and group discussion. It is appropriate for parents or anyone who works with children ages 4 and older.

Steve Brown will lead the class. He is a licensed professional counselor, with a master’s of marriage and family therapy degree and a secondary school counselor certificate. Brown has experience working with children, child care providers, parents and schools.

Child care will not be provided during the class. Space is limited and registration is required. To register, call Brown at 317-5479 or email

The training is part of the Positive Mental Health Tools for Life series.

Labyrinth workshop to explain health benefits

A labyrinth walk and presentation will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday at the Ignacio Community Library, 470 Goddard Ave.

The presentation will include an overview of how labyrinth walks foster physical, mental and spiritual health; various ancient and contemporary labyrinth uses; and how to construct a simple labyrinth.

A labyrinth will be available for walking at the workshop. The event is suitable for all ages, and registration is encouraged.

For more information and to register, call Lucas Gass at 563-9287 or email

Herald Staff

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