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Help appreciated for rubber ducky race

The Bayfield Chamber of Commerce thanks and appreciates everyone who took the time to sell or buy a rubber ducky race ticket for the 4th, and we appreciate all of our volunteers! Our race winners are Brenda Yarina, Jim Adams, and Luke Schwekle.

Thank you to Wells Liquor, Pine River Valley Bank, Bayfield Chiropractic, the Copy Shop, Highland Vision and the Pine River Times for selling ducks.

Our duck catchers were Brady Fields, Brian and Michael Monahan, Ethan Cook, Lance Mazur and Caden Wood.

The proceeds from the duck race will be used for our scholarship for local BHS students we offer every spring.

Thank you again for your generosity.

Melanie Mazur, Anne Cook, Donna Johnson, Kennie Monger and Wendy Malarsie

Bayfield Chamber of Commerce board members