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Events demonstrate racism in America

Ammon Bundy, affluenza and Demaryius Thomas: What do these have in common?

When the Ammon Bundy bunch proclaimed their alliance for the constitutional rights of ranchers, loggers and miners, he lost all credibility with me. Anyone who can hold a straight face while asserting that miner’s rights are being trampled upon by government has a sick perception of freedom. How can anyone believe that the mining industry, which pays near nothing for the resources they extract and then skirts responsibility for cleaning up its environmental mess, is oppressed by the government?

Weird way to formulate a “just cause.” The Bundys should probably consider moving to Texas where the only federal public lands are those purchased back (parks and such) after Texas disposed of all lands within its boundaries. And where the likes of Ethan Couch, a white rich youth, can find a lawyer and judge able to get him probation for a drunk driving incident that killed several people with the now-famous “affluenza” defense.

On the other hand Demaryius Thomas, a Denver Bronco player making in excess of $1 million a year, can’t find a legal way to get his mother out of jail serving 20 years for the non-violent crime of refusing to testify against her own mother. Oh by the way, she’s black and lives in the south.

Weird? Actually more sad than weird are the masses of people that think that racism isn’t an issue in America. Might as well vote for Trump, at least he could restore the confederate flag to its former glory.

Ron Sutcliffe

Pagosa Springs

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