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It’s our choice: Democracy or one-man one rule?

My simple view of our government is outdated but consistent with our Constitution.

Our Congress negotiates (scary word here), compromises and passes a budget, sends it to the president who either accepts or vetoes it. A vetoed budget goes back to Congress to either override or change and send back to the president. Not an easy process, not a pretty process. Our federal agencies implement, not make the budget.

No one gets what they want, we are all unhappy.

It’s called democracy.

But I turned on the TV to find this entire process has been upended. Some unelected South African immigrant is running our government. He bought it for $270 million and he thinks he owns it, skipping the entire legislative process and dictating what the federal agencies are doing and who they can hire.

All of us might want that power. Make me dictator. My MAGA neighbors would not be happy. But I don’t want that power, instead, I agree with Churchill, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

Our choice, fire Elon and return to our messy but democratic ways or accept one-man rule. Given that senators and representatives have already given up their constitutional responsibilities of declaring war, establishing a uniform rule of naturalization, promoting science, suppressing insurrections and repelling invasions, we should send them home.

Stop wasting time, space and taxpayer money, sit back, and watch Elon destroy America.

Paul Davis
