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Learn more about fixing county’s roads

Robert Goodrich’s letter to the editor (Herald, Sept. 7) raised a number of questions that may be in some voters’ minds regarding Ballot Question 1A for a mill-levy increase to adequately fund road and bridge needs in our county.

The county budget allocates sales taxes and property taxes to roads and bridges each year, but property tax revenues are dropping quickly with the decline locally of the gas and oil sector.

This decline is also leading to a reduction in the state of Colorado’s energy impact grants that the county has relied on to help fund roads and bridges in recent years. Current revenue sources are not sufficient to meet even the basic maintenance and improvement needs of our county road and bridge system.

“Yes for Roads and Bridges in La Plata County” is an all-volunteer, grassroots campaign committee working to provide voters with information on Ballot Question 1A and to support its passage.

We know it is important to answer the questions that Goodrich and others have about the need, how the funds will be used, and what accountability measures will be put in place.

To this end, the county Road and Bridge Department has published a 10-year capital improvement plan and the county commissioners have committed to put in place a citizen’s oversight committee to track the use of the funds.

Also, there are strict rules about how any federal fuel taxes are used. The county accounts for all revenue and expenditures in its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, which is available for all citizens to review. It’s also important to know that the mill-levy for roads and bridges will sunset after 10 years and could not be extended without another vote.

Please plan to attend a workshop at the Bayfield Library on at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 14 or at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at the Durango Library to learn more. More information is also available at www.yesforroadsandbridges.com.

Michael Carroll


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