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Letters: Council members stand up to bullying

Although I never thought I would say this, I wanted to sincerely thank The Durango Herald.

The weekend edition contained three excellent articles. First, the editorial “Is this necessary,” regarding the infighting among our revered City Council members. Very eye-opening. Kudos to members Kim Baxter and Barbara Noseworthy for standing up to bullying and for the citizens of Durango.

Second: The op-ed by Duane Highley, “Tri State has delivered on its promises to LPEA.” Indeed they have. As a voting member of LPEA and a concerned consumer, I carefully follow and attend meetings of LPEA. I can say without a doubt that a few of the sitting members of the current board have their own agenda and it has nothing to do with providing LPEA’s members with affordable, reliable electricity.

Third: The fine op-ed “Price hikes not the way to reform Postal Service.” Correct, it is not. The Postal Service in 2018 lost $8.4 billion. That is no way to run a business. The author suggests several ways the Postal Service can be more relevant and efficient. The powers that be should heed some of his advice.

Again, thank you, Durango Herald, for these timely and newsworthy articles. May I suggest you print more of them?

Jackie CaudillDurango