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Letters: There is no climate crisis, no emergency

I despair. The socialist ideas, climate change and the New Green Deal are everywhere. I’ve been watching news this morning, Fox, and in a very short while, I suffered with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “global warming is real,” “the New Green Deal is coming” and “transition to the new green economy.”

The liars have lied so well, so completely and for so long that the lies are now just accepted dogma despite some of us, who feel like voices in the wilderness, screaming: “No, it’s not true! There is no climate crisis, there is no emergency!”

In my last despairing efforts, I think I will take a different tack. Rather than raging against the climate change farce, I am going to speak of the good things about carbon dioxide.

I believe that the two most important chemical compounds on earth are water and carbon dioxide. CO2 and H2O, driven by the energy of the sun, react in photosynthesis to build all of the vegetable matter consumed by us and our meat animals. The wonderful new greening has been going on for decades because man has burned fossil fuels and raised the levels of atmospheric CO2 from around 200 parts per million to a little over 410 parts per million today.

The greening is visible from satellite photos and has raised living standards for some of the world’s poorest people because of increased crop yields and more, heavier, cattle, sheep and swine.

So I am going to sell its goodness and ask you to do the same. Maybe we can generate a stream of doubt. The current situation is so wrong, so evil that I don’t believe it can long prevail, but the cost between now and its collapse is something I don’t even want to contemplate.

George ThompsonDurango