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LPEA Greens spend your money freely

Follow the money.

It's standard advice for discovering underlying truths. Applied to La Plata Electric Association's Board of Directors, it looks like this:

Mentioned in the April 15 meeting is that the Green Majority spent $40,000 more on their own expenses in 2014 than was spent for the entire board of 12 during the year before. That same Green Majority defeated a proposal to budget and cap spending on themselves at the previous year's amount.

So seven of the 12 people who decide how to spend our money, because they do make decisions that affect us as co-op owners and customers, were flying and dining while we kept working to pay the power bill.

While your windmill is spinning about that, consider this. That same Green Majority mentioned at the April meeting that it would be good to change the rates so that people who live out at the end of the line pay more because individually they cost more. It seems the idea of co-op escapes the Green Majority. Charging more so they can spend more on themselves is their logic. Moving green money from our wallets to the green businesses in their pockets is their action.

We can change that by voting in the LPEA election. You have likely received your ballot in the mail. Use it!

Vote for Karen Barger, Jim Wotkyns, Kohler McInnis or Bob Formwalt, depending on your district.

Ann McCoy Harold
