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People over party

The notion that independents or extremists within the party cost Democrats the election is absurd. While Republicans have certainly followed their extremists to the far right, Democrats have spent the last eight years digging their heels in at the center and prioritizing their spoils system over the needs of the working class and that is what cost them yet another election to Donald Trump. This is evidenced by the fact that they received more votes from the top third of income-earners than the middle or bottom third (

It is also evidenced by the fact that they did not take Sean O’Brien, president of the Teamsters union, up on his request to speak at the DNC. O’Brien was previously given the stage at the RNC and gave a rousing pro-union, pro-labor speech that should have resonated with the Democratic Party if they truly represent the working class. Instead, the Democrats decided to amplify the voices of Liz Cheney, Hillary Clinton and other moderates/right-wingers who have refused to acknowledge the plight of the working class.

Political parties exist to serve the people, not the other way around. Until Democrats embrace this notion we will continue to see them play chicken with the country’s future.

Jeff Dunn
