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Politics based on imaginary history

Some people support Donald Trump because they remember prices for gas and food were lower four years ago. They were. But so were wages. Then COVID-19 happened; the economy collapsed. Trump disparaged medical science and encouraged followers to go maskless, causing 300,000 avoidable deaths out of the 1 million Americans who died.

Under Trump, government aid checks were sent to keep people in their homes, and food on their tables. When Joe Biden became president, Congressional Republicans voted against extending the COVID-19 aid, but Democrats prevailed. Biden’s aid saved millions from hunger and homelessness, but also caused inflation. Now, 3½ years later, inflation is coming down, prices are returning to normal, 15 million new jobs created and wages rising faster than prices.

Yearning for imaginary better times, when science was dismissed and relatives died because a power-craven, boastful narcissist couldn’t admit he was wrong, isn’t the path to a better future.

Bruce Joffe

Piedmont, California