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Puzzle pieces make us whole

The huge excitement and joy generated by Vice President Kamala Harris’ nomination as candidate for president aligns the Democratic Party with younger generations. Gen Z and millennials are flooding to register to vote, donate and volunteer for Kamala. Though wealthy interests want to turn us back to increased racism, misogyny and even dictatorship (Project 2025), we lucky voters are now entrusted with birthing a new America.

Working with La Plata County Democrats, I hear far more voters asking how they can help. We definitely need folks doing usual jobs like canvassing and texting. But also crucial is everyone engaging relationally. We each have a puzzle piece – the unique circle of friends and acquaintances who know and trust us. In our relationships, we carry vital social capital that cannot be wasted.

We have been conditioned to fear speaking about politics – it’s rude, scary or will upset someone. Challenge this narrative – reject being silenced! Politics is LIFE. It’s COMMUNITY HEALTH. Witness what we have created by leaving politics on autopilot: outright proposals for dictatorship by the rich.

Trump manifests unpatriotic beliefs among MAGA followers but also – let’s own it – political detachment by the rest of us. Our Age of Non-Involvement simply must end, or we’ll lose our fragile democracy.

Acting relationally goes beyond talking to friends – though that’s a vital start. It’s developing personal accountability and dedication; our ability to listen carefully, get informed and tell our stories. Contact me to join the woke and proud team – we need YOUR puzzle piece!

Kirby MacLaurin
