Over the past several years it seems that the City Council has become mired in disagreement over a number of issues, our unhoused neighbors in Durango being one of those issues … even to the extent of suggesting that this pressing issue “is not our problem.”
It has been frustrating to observe the council members withdraw in a critical time when stepping up is necessary … and, I might add, inevitable. Perhaps the inability to come to terms with this global (and growing) phenomenon is part of the reason the city and the county fell into the seemingly intractable issue over the county detention center.
In any event, I have become a “one-issue” voter along with a growing number of Durangotangs and thus my interest in what your forward-looking response will be as regards the city of Durango taking the issue of homelessness seriously.
Currently, the city is, in fact, dealing with homelessness in the most inefficient, ineffective and costly way possible – engaging the police to uproot people who have no place to sleep or safe haven, using EMS, the ER, the county jail, etc. The not-for-profit sector stepped up this winter with the volunteer-run Emergency Warming Center.
Going forward, concerned residents seek partnership with the city, which will necessitate that city councilors stand on principle, not just put a finger to the wind and see which way the political vicissitudes are blowing.
We are better than the supreme court justices. Sleeping safe is a right.
Linda Barnes