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Speak up if you care about healthy food, kids and lands

During this time of political upheaval in our federal government we need to let our elected representatives know what we really care about.

However you feel about the need for government reform – and how that reform is carried out – the chances are that you care about productive local farmers and ranchers who are rewarded for their hard work, access to healthy food for all in our community, Farm to School programs and healthy local foodsheds on which we can grow healthy food. Our representatives in Washington need to hear this from you.

Having spent 38 years here in Western Colorado working on these issues with Healthy Community Food Systems and many nonprofits, I know very well how hard it is to make progress on these critical issues and am very aware of how detrimental any lapses in funding, staffing and agency support can be.

Working with the National Farm to School program, the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, Cooperative Extension, NRCS, USDA Rural Development and other agencies has shown me how valuable this support and funding can be for local communities.

I would urge you to show your support for continued funding for these agencies, for protecting – and respecting – these federal workers, and continuing critical federal grant programs that so many nonprofits in our community depend on.

Please share your thoughts on this with your representatives in D.C.

Jim Dyer
