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‘Vote no’ for Judge Woods

La Plata County Court Judge Anne Woods’ retention in the 6th Judicial District is up for a vote. I strongly recommend that people read her judicial review and spend a few minutes looking at news articles related to her job performance. In the review, 34% of attorneys found that she did not meet performance standards.

Relative to other judges, she did not rate above average in any performance category surveyed. The only area in which she achieved an average rating was empathy for defendants. Attorneys rate her well below average for knowledge of the law and for courtroom demeanor. Because of the low bail amounts set, the chief judge for the district no longer allows Woods to set bail in felony cases.

One of the factors in the increases in crime in La Plata County would be that irresponsible, criminal behavior is no longer punished in Woods’ courtroom. Woods has demonstrated no empathy for the victims of crime. She has been known to be rude and abusive of people seeking injunctions for their protection. She has stated a “priority to keep people out of jail.” We pay Woods $165,000 a year for citizens to be less safe.

Vote no on retention.

John Purser
