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We’re ready now for a real representative

Concerned, as I am, about the situation in this dysfunctional White House and believing, as I do, that we urgently need a check and balance rather than the Republican party controlling all the branches of government, I would have supported anyone running to defeat Scott Tipton, our current representative in the House.

Not only do we have that individual in Diane Mitsch Bush for Congress but we also have a truly extraordinary candidate. Diane has smart, well-thought-out policy positions. She actually reads the bills she is voting on and studies the research relating to the issues, a rarity in the politics of our age.

Diane believes in using fact-driven analysis and science rather than ideology in deciding her positions. She has a proven record of working in a bipartisan fashion in the state legislature and as a county commissioner. Diane has progressive positions and yet has also forged alliances with conservative-leaning farm and ranch associations.

Diane is running a grass-roots candidacy and fund-raising operation, principally from small donors, and does not take money from corporate PACs or the fossil fuel industry. I urge you to visit her website and check out her concise, common-sense policy positions.

If you are ready to be represented in Congress by someone looking to pass legislation that benefits all the people and not just the rich and corporate interests, I urge you to vote for Diane. She is going to make an outstanding congresswoman.

Brian Clark
