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Whacky weather leads to random thoughts

We hope winter is coming back this weekend, but we've hoped for that during the past few storms that have shot right over us to the north, and we've had zip for snow.

Don't get me wrong. T-shirts in February have their appeal.

But I know we'll be hurting for water this summer if this keeps up.

While the "Fire and Ice" photography show at Pine River Valley Bank is a beautiful collection of widlfire and snowmaking photos, you can't help but wince when looking at the towering smoke plumes of the fires, and some were in this area.

My son's fourth-grade class had a field trip Tuesday up to Chris Park to try snowshoeing. The snow was pretty limited, even getting higher up in the mountains.

So maybe we should keep working on happy snow thoughts.


I received several kudos from animals lovers on my Feb. 6 column about not having pets if you don't want to take care of them.

Unfortunately, the person I was writing about apparently didn't read it, or he doesn't care.

One reader said she wants to cut it out and stick it on his door with a thoughtful "Hey bud, this is YOU!" note.

I wished her good luck and hope she won't get stuck with a trespassing charge if she decides to pull it off.


My friends' calves are starting to arrive, another sign of spring.


Millie the office cat has learned to hit a keyboard key that starts the computer's voice program to start talking. It's a bit unsettling when you're in the office at night in the next room.


A big thank you to the Friends of Rachel Club at BHS. Members put valentines on people's doors and windshields last week. That was a pleasant surprise. And who doesn't appreciate a piece of chocolate on Valentine's Day week?


Good luck this weekend to the IHS and BHS wrestlers who have made it to state in Denver. I can only imagine the pressure of competing at the Pepsi Center in front of thousands of the state's most rabid wrestling fans. Just making it to that level of competition is an achievement on its own. And as the BHS girls wrap up a tough season and the boys hope to move into post season, and IHS cruises toward post-season play, it's been another good winter for local basketball fans.


Need a friend? Check out the animals for adoption at the La Plata County Humane Society.

Thanks for reading.