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Who is donating to Lieb's campaign?

How can anyone endorse Bobby Lieb for treasurer when the following is FACT?   Look up Robert Lieb on the Secretary of State's elections web site you will find expenditures for his campaign, but NO donors.

So where IS the money coming from for his campaign?  "Paid for by Bobby Lieb" with a phone number is not generally the way advertising expenditures are made known.  Does he have a campaign treasurer?  If he is loaning his campaign money, that must be disclosed.  Money for Bobby's campaign has to come from someplace.   Is the money for his campaign coming from his deep pockets or someone else's?  Has any journalist actually checked up on Bobby? 

How can Bobby Lieb say with a straight face he is running to represent the community at large and yet have not one single donor shown on the campaign disclosures filed with the Secretary of State for contributions and expenditures?  And not just for the most recent filing but for every single one. A self-funded campaign to get the treasurer's job seems just a bit narcissistic. All other Republican candidates in La Plata County show money from the local party.   Apparently Bobby feels no need and thinks the public will be OK with him buying a public position with his own money.   There is no way anyone should TRUST a person who does not seek broad-based support when seeking the chief financial oversight position for La Plata County, let alone cast a vote for him!  

Allison Morrissey does have broad support from a wide spectrum of the community represented in her campaign.  And she is running to serve, not looking for a job!

Vote for integrity.  Vote for Allison Morrissey.

David Black
